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What are the best surf beaches in bretagne?

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Bretagne Trip

At BlueJuice Surf, we’re passionate about providing you with an unforgettable surf experience. Our surf camp in Bretagne and surf week packages offer rugged nature and world-class surfing spots. Take advantage of our surf coaching to improve your technique and gain confidence in the water. Join us and see what makes BlueJuice Surf the top choice for surfers.

Sip Savor Surf

Sip Savor & Surf that's the vibe at our favorite hangout Under The Grapevine the coolest little coffee and wine shop in least that is what we think.

Owned by surfers this place has a real laid back Californian vibe.

They are still working hard to finalize this little blue surf heaven but it already has the best coffee and wine in town.


And guess what?!

We are opening a small shop corner Under The Grapevine with our finest surfboards and most desirable items. So drop by at Overtoom 424 in Amsterdam

sip savor surf coffee and wine shop under the grapevine amsterdam overtoom 424
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Schermafbeelding 2020-12-06 om 20.44.46.
Schermafbeelding 2020-12-04 om 11.38.10.
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